Thursday, 14 March 2013

Editing Day 1

First of all I named all of my images, this makes it easier for my to know which ones in will be used for what.

Then I added text, after making the decision to call myself 'within' due to the satanic references, I had to choose the correct fonts to use...
The edit suite has limited font use, however I have decided to go with "GungsuhChe" font size 354.0 for Within.

I then placed it onto the timeline so that the word 'Presenting' would appear before 'Within', I did this by copying and pasting the text format and on one of them deleting the word within, so that it wouldn't look so blocky on the screen. I then changed it to a red font, I felt that this is a very effective technique as it symbolise the blood.

I then added clip MAH00343 however it was shot like this:

In order to get around this problem I turned up the scale to 150.0 through the video effects and it became full screen. The shot is my character Steve walking into his house, as seen in my location shots it is an old fashioned house,it is a shot that lasts 3 seconds before cutting to a review from the Guardian website likening it to Blair Witch Project. The reason I have chosen the Guardian is because its views on film are known across the industry.

Again I have chosen to use the red font to show the blood but also links to the satonic themes.

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